
torsdag 14 december 2017

Peter Jöback - I ❤️ Musicals

I seriously have no idea, why this post has remained a draft since I went to the concert in June, but better late than never: Here is my thoughts about the  I ❤️ Musicals concert I went to in Göteborg 17 June.

Swedish singer and musical artist Peter Jöback has a couple of times before invited stars from West End and Broadway to a tour across Sweden singing songs from different musicals. This year, he decided to go all in and invited famous Swedish artists Helen Sjöholm and Tommy Körberg to a much bigger concert at Ullevi in Göteborg. The international stars were Ma-Anne Dionisio (who was in the shows back in 2012 and 2013), Scarlett Strallen (who was in the  I ❤️ Musicals tour of 2013) and Tam Mutu (who is a new-comer in this context). For the Phantom of the Opera duet, Peter Jöback also brought in Emmi Christensson who played opposite him in the Stockholm production of Phantom of the Opera over the past year.

Emmi was also a bigger part of the I ❤️ Musicals-tour of 2015. I had really hoped they would do the duet in Swedish. Not that they were not good in English, but I think they do it better in Swedish.
Det finns nog miljarder stjärnehopar 
Bortom sol och måne 
Röster ur den svarta rymden ropar
Bortom sol och måne 
Sökare ska hon heta 
Allting vill hon veta 
Ja, människan kan aldrig sluta leta 
Bortom sol och måne

(There probably are billions of star clusters, Beyond the sun and the moon. Voices out of black space call, Beyond the sun and the moon. She will be named searcher, She wants to know everything. Yes, homo sapiens can never stop looking beyond the sun and the moon.)

~ Bortom sol och måne, Hjälp sökes, Benny Andersson & Björn Ulvaeus
I thought I had a farily good knowledge about what Björn Ulvaeus and Benny Andersson have made when it comes to musicals, but in the show was a song called Bortom sol och måne (Beyond the sun and the moon) from a musical named Hjälp sökes (Help wanted) that I had not heared of. (A link to the song, sung by Sofia Pekkari can be found here.) Since I thought the title sounded more like a farce and I had a hard time getting the lyrics of the song to fit with the title, I had to look it up. It did not exactly clear my mind because the plot is described as two brothers on a farm putting an add in the paper for help with their farm and a woman and her daughter show up.

Musical pictures was borrowed from:

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